Monday, December 12, 2016

Back, Perhaps.

     It's been nearly two months since I posted anything here on Attire's Mind.  Those wonderful few of you who follow this directly, might be saddened by that.  I am, myself. 
    Here is the truth, unwashed and unadorned.  I have felt bereft, of late.  I have still got a passion for my subject, but somehow, the words seem not to be willing to come in the way they did. Is that simply a case of writer's block?  Maybe.  Is it that I'm not certain of the direction to go next? Yeah, that's a bit of it. Is it that I have just plain run out of things to say?  It's possible, I guess.
    I feel so keenly the validity of the Attire language as a symbolic method of communicating between us.  I see so clearly that it can, and does effect our perceptions of each other every day, constantly.  And I want so much to help us understand that better, in order to better understand each other.
    But I'm not certain of the next path. I have thought that a book might be the next step.  Perhaps opening to public speaking events might be an option. Or maybe I just need to suck it up and get on with it as I was before.
    I'm asking your opinions, and your aid, here.  Post directly to blogspot, or to the facebook link if that's easier for you.

I feel unsure, and need your counsel.
Many thanks, your Faithful Blogger


  1. Your interest seems to lie in the semiotics of personal appearance, and how "the packaging" can be manipulated to deliver "the message." Perhaps you might consider making yourself available as a consultant to those who wish to enhance their messaging but just can't seem to make it work on their own. In other words, your client comes to you and tells you what's not working in their life, and you figure out if you can help them fix or improve it by a thorough analysis of what they're wearing, and why.

    1. Thanks Mark. That's an intriguing idea. I will definitely give it real thought. Thanks.

  2. I agree with Mark, but also like the idea of a book.

  3. I sent a long email to the address listed in your blog contact page, but it came back. Perhaps you could post a current email address.

    Thanks for everything. Waki

  4. A book sounds good to me too. It would give you space to develop the ideas, and could have luscious illustrations to draw in the buyers' eyeballs. Also I think it could fill a real gap in peoples' appreciation of what they wear and why.

  5. We miss you, but it's ok to take a break and not feel badly about it. Perhaps it's a period of incubation. Let the eggs hatch on their own. You'll know it when you see it.

    1. Darling Man.
      Leave it to you to bring me back to reality.

  6. Great ideas posted already. I also think that you post a handful of items a day on the facebook page, which might leave you a little drained for the blogspot blog. Love reading your thoughts, though, wherever they appear!

    1. Honestly, Sweetness, I would love the chance to talk this through with you. You're a working writer. Your insights are invaluable.

    2. Of course! Let's set something up after the new year!

  7. Oh please don't stop blogging. I miss your comments on fashion. I have learned so much. Maybe post only a couple of times a week. Then it would leave time for a book and us selfish people could enjoy your insight.

    1. I will get back to it, i promise you. The facebook version continues unabated for now.

  8. And?
    No more Blogging?
    Happened to me a few years back too. FB took over.

  9. I am a straight, white guy who used to have the fashion sense of a goat, but I'm also a history teacher / buff. My friend Vasuki showed me this website, and it's no exaggeration to say that you COMPLETELY opened my mind to what fashion actually MEANS. Regardless of how many skittering eyeballs might traipse through this or any other website, it's depth that matters, not the number of clicks so, with a blatant theft from the old ex-slaver's confessional hymn, please know that your insight and elegant prose can be encapsulated with the lyric I 'was blind, but now I see.'

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I hope you are doing well.

    I've only just found your blog and its wonderful content.

    Did you begin work on a book or start a path to becoming a consultant. I'll Google you up shortly and hope to find more of your work!💕

  12. Listen to your intuition. You might be led down an unexpected path. It's ok to grow and evolve into the next version of yourself. (I sound like a fortune cookie - hahaha.) Really, though, you can always bring your perspectives of how we express ourselves through attire to a new interest, combine them, and create something totally new and unexpected! It will be epic.
