Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Punctuation Marks

    When we assemble our apparel for the day, the individual words that will make up our sentence sartorial, we need a few punctuation marks to help the whole thing make sense.  That is the position typically filled by the category we call accessories. The accessory, though often performing a useful function, as in shoes or scarves, sometimes has no purpose whatever beyond personal adornment, and the creation of a certain emphasis for the sentence we are wearing.
    But more often than not, the accessory fills both the practical and impractical roles simultaneously because of its style.
    How many times have we either seen employed, or used ourselves, a kick ass pair of shoes, or a remarkable hat, bag, or piece of jewelry to punch up an otherwise sedate looking Attire sentence?  All the time.  I do it myself routinely.  For me its usually shoes that get the nod to bring it up a notch.
   But whichever thing or things you choose, remember that from an Attire language standpoint, too many accessories is like repeating yourself in conversation.  It quickly becomes tedious.
So confining yourself to one or two of these more obvious punctuators, allows both they, and the whole desired comment being made to voice with clarity.
    Are there those who can get away with a myriad of accessories all at once and not look ridiculous?  Sure; but for most of us, its a tough thing to pull off.  When you see someone with a lot of accessory items in play at once, and its working, its usually because they all relate to one another harmoniously in style, color, texture or point of origin.  For example, someone wearing masses of bakelite bangle bracelets in differing colors is less at risk of seeming to be overdoing it; because the jewelry in use is all related to itself.
Whereas, when items that have zero connection to each other are employed, we tend to find the result, at very least, confusing, if not down right offensive.
    A well chosen accessory can convey a message of intellect, artistic mien, sexuality, or emotional state.  When I wear my brilliant purple suede Moods of Norway shoes, I'm out to party, I want to have fun, and be perceived as being fun.  When I haul out the garnet pendant I have from the 20s, I'm implying both a greater formality, and also an appreciation for history.  Or when I wear one of my ascots, I'm going for full on gentleman.
    However you want to present yourself, whether that is quietly, or with a blaring fanfare, its the accessories you have to hand that can make that clothing sentence really precise.
  And precision in our Attire communications is a good idea. The more we speak our clothing with clarity, the more we are able to help others to understand us.  And understanding each other is a goal to be wished for, and worked towards.

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